While strolling around town on a lovely early autumn afternoon in late September, my super brilliant wife made the suggestion of stopping by the Great Basin Community Food Co-op for some shopping closer to home, rather than driving out to Whole Foods on the other side of town.
First of all, I can never say enough good things about my wife, and second of all I can’t believe that I haven’t been doing more shopping at this fantastic and relatively new green/local/organic/allergy-friendly establishment here in Reno, NV.
The shelves inside were well-stocked with fresh and local produce, familiar and trusted allergy-free brands and a whole cooler full of local organic free range meats. There was also a surprisingly wide selection of craft beer along the wall behind and off to the side of the cash register, which held my attention for a good 3-4 solid minutes of casual browsing.
Overall, I’d say that we only shopped “lightly” that sunny Saturday afternoon, but I know that we’ll be back for more local goodies on many a future occasion!
The HDR shot above I took while standing next to our car in the building’s parking lot using my iPhone 4S. The shots were later combined using iCameraHDR and edited using Camera+, Snapseed, Photo FX and LensLight.
Enough about me. How about you? Have you been to the Great Basin Community Food Co-op? Do you shop there regularly? What do you enjoy about the store? Is there anything they could improve upon? Please share your thoughts in the form of a comment below!