It has only been about a year since I had the happy accident of coming across the music of Denver, Colorado based Pretty Lights. Derek Vincent Smith, the man behind the moniker, has seamlessly crafted one of the most unique electronic music hyperniches that I’ve had the pleasure of coming across in my musical exploration known as life. Take the crate-digging elements of past hip-hop sampling gods a la mid-to-late 90’s DJ Shadow and mix with the likes of A.D.D.-friendly electro mashup groups like The Glitch Mob and sprinkle in a dash of old school Philadelphia soul and you (essentially) have the music of Pretty Lights. The music however, cannot even begin to describe what takes place at a Pretty Lights show here in late 2011.
The lighting is mindblowing, pure and simple. For reasons beyond my journalistic prowess, I can only assume that the creators of this interactive organic lighting entertainment system have indulged in multifaceted psychedelia and aim to entrance concertgoers in ways never before achieved. Photographing this madness was no easy task, but I was able to walk away with several shots that make me proud to hold my Nikon D7000 DSLR. The attached Nikon 50mm f/1.8D lens was fast enough to slow down the mile-a-minute lighting programming, while still communicating the excitement and elemental balance of the man at the helm.
The settings which I did keep static were the aperture and shutter speed at 1.8 and 1/250th of a second, respectively. The ISO was something that I manually adapted to each stage as the lighting programs were unleashed, successfully utilizing a range of 100-3200 to achieve many favorable captures. I invite you to view the full Pretty Lights gallery and share your favorites here and with your social networks; and for those of you who haven’t been to a Pretty Lights show in the past month or so — this is all brand-new — so get out there and rage on!

Camera(s) Used:
Nikon D7000
Lens(es) Used:
Nikon 50mm f/1.8D
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