Just Getting Started…

While it’s true that my fiance and I (she’ll be referred to as my wife after April 4th) only recently moved to Reno in spring 2010, we’ve been enamored with the abundance of outgoing, fun-loving and down-to-earth people living in and around the city. It’s a BIG change from the Bay Area, and we’re LOVING every minute of our time here — especially when we’re out living the life and sharing it with the rest of the world!

This weekend we’re headed to San Francisco for a pre-wedding celebratory excursion, which includes dinner at Fleur de Lys, De La Soul at Yoshi’s SF, a Saturday morning photo shoot with a long-time friend and professor (who will remain unnamed … until we have photos to share), sangria at Cha Cha Cha and a night full of basslines a la Udachi and Deekline at Mighty.

Upon our return we will be preparing to tie the knot at a quiet wedding chapel / art gallery on the outskirts of town, followed by a photo shoot (shoot the shooter!) and Charlie Palmer Steak at the Grand Sierra Resort and Casino (it’s really difficult to find restaurants open on Mondays here in Reno for some reason…).

Needless to say, this photo blogging, music loving entertainment enthusiast will have plenty of footage to share in the next week, so stay tuned and wish me luck!


