- Clint Sleeper of Praying for Greater Portland with cell phone modulators in-hand…
Praying for Greater Portland – 2011-04-03
Before IShootReno.com was ever conceived, there was a young man named Brian who had arrived here in Reno during mid-2010. With him in his migration from Oakland to Reno he brought an undying passion for live music, photography and visual arts.
Here in his new-found home Brian met another young man with a seemingly equal, if not exceeding amount of enthusiasm for music and art at large. Clint Sleeper, as seen above, is the founding and and current band leader of Praying for Greater Portland, a Reno, NV-based experimental indie rock slash avant-garde one-man-band that is pushing the boundaries of DIY music as we know it.

As seen above, Sleeper can be caught performing the often daunting task of manning several instruments and/or machines at any given time. When asked about the his thoughts of P4GP remaining a one-man band, Sleeper indicated that he was open to the idea of adding additional band members but didn’t have any current prospects in mind.
Looking to collaborate with Praying for Greater Portland? Hit ’em up on Twitter or Facebook. Want to see ’em LIVE? Check HERE to see when P4GP will be rollin’ through your (west coast) town this spring!
After P4GP’s performance we did stick around long enough to snap a couple shots of Oakland-based indie rock group Spacehunter, which are included in the full gallery. The event was in celebration of Fa Fa Fa’s newest CD release, What Made Those Holes & Rents.

Camera(s) Used:
Nikon D7000
Lens(es) Used:
Nikon 50mm f/1.8D