it all started around 10PM on Monday night. Seeming out of the blue, I noticed a bunch of new followers appearing in my Instagram News Feed. Somehow I missed the original @mention from @prettylights, but thanks to several other shout-out’s, I caught on pretty quickly to what I now refer to as “my 15 minutes of fame on Instagram“.
I’m pretty sure that the count was somewhere around 1200 likes in 25 minutes when comments mentioning the “pop page” started to filter in. Needless to say, I was ecstatic. Not to say I haven’t been in the grace of Pretty Lights before, but this time seemed a lot more personal. I mean, c’mon, he personally selected one of my works of art to share with his following of 51k+ on Instagram (and who knows which other networks).
Fast forward to 10:50PM and his post is still on the popular page…

Somewhere in-between well formed breasts and jewelry advertisements, my sunset shot over Sharlands Ave. here in NW Reno sat ever so proudly. But wait. Earlier in the day there was an ever-so-kind feature from one of my favorite sun-related IG feeds, @nooneownsthesun. Yep, I had not just one but TWO features under my belt that glorious day!
I mean TWO features in ONE DAY + a trip to cool kids of Instagram land? Who the hell am I?
Then I saw this…
First and foremost, yes. I love sick drops. Of bass. All over everywhere. Exploding in my mind like puberty in that neighbor kid’s pants. But that’s not the point. The point is that ANOTHER account I follow for EDM-related awesomeness, aka @ilovesickdrops, picked up on the PL feature and had melted me (via @meltingmusic). Shit’s kinda Dali-ish, ya?
What a day. And then I looked at the clock, 11:44 PM Pacific. Still on the popular page. No f—ing way!?

Then I worked on my shot for Tuesday morning’s posting pleasure… Had to check the numbers before hitting the sack. Looks like 3200+ likes in a short (3) hours. Not too shabby…
Now it is two evenings later and there are nearly 5k likes total on @prettylights’ post. This is absolutely incredible! Thank you everyone for your support!
Go On, Treat Yourself to Something Nice!
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