Social Photo Sharing: Instagram | General Setup


What’s that — a second video tutorial today?  We couldn’t hold back on this one, and while it is a fairly simple process, Brian shows us how to make the most of setting up a new Instagram account in the 2nd of many iOS / iPhoneography / Instagram video tutorials presented on

The general setup process for a new Instagram account begins with finding Friends who are already using Instagram from sources such as your Contact List and popular social networks like Facebook and Twitter.

The setup process continues by Inviting New Friends to join you on Instagram from your Contact List, properly setting up your Public and Private Profile and finishes up with a quick walkthrough of managing important features like Push Notifications, Sharing Settings and Privacy.


Go On, Treat Yourself to Something Nice!

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Starry Eyed Surprise

Here is some brand new iPhoneography for you … straight from @ishootreno on Instagram:

Starry Eyed Surprise

If you are an Instagram user, follow @ishootreno! If you are an Instagram user AND you live in/near Reno, NV … include the hashtag #igersreno and Brian will be double-tapping!

Perhaps you do not have Instagram… Get it FREE from the iTunes App Store!